Friday, January 18, 2013

Healthy Girl

She's "Healthy Girl", saving the world one smoothie at a time! Her hair is full of organic goodness with clipped images from a health magazine.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tea Bag Art

Drew a couple of faces on tea bags. Kept the whole thing, strings, tags and all and mounted them to mat board. One of the tags says "Art is either plagiarism or revolution", Paul Gauguin, 1848-1903 and the other says "True wealth is the ability to let go of your possessions." And a close up so you can see all of the beautiful tea stains and "crumbly tea texture".

Friday, January 11, 2013

First snow of the year, my evergreen loves it!

My evergreen after the first measurable snow this year. But that's okay cause it's supposed to be 67 degrees today. If you don't like the weather in Kansas City, just stick around till tomorrow, it'll change.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

At Hippocrates Health Institute

I love this statue. It's organic and earthy. The weather has only made it better. At Hippocrates Health Institute, West Palm Beach, Florida. Their website is here.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Renaissance Festival in Bonner Springs, Kansas

I love the Renaissance Festival! There is lots to do and see. From the buildings to the costumes, to all the games, shows and activities, it really makes you feel like you stepped back in time. This guy is in the middle of the stage, balancing on the ladder (as in no support) while blowing fire out his mouth. A few minutes before this same guy put his whole body through a tennis racket.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dick Blick Studio Catalog Winter 2013

My art is in the Blick catalog, yay! I am a huge fan of DickBlick and have been for a long time. I buy almost all of my supplies from them. They closed their Kansas City, MO and Kansas locations years ago so now I buy from them online. Best prices, best quality, name brands and a huge variety. Plus quick shipping and good customer service. Who could ask for more?

The piece featured sold two years ago to collectors in Cornwall, ON, Canada. It started out as a blind contour drawing on a wood panel and developed from there. I used graphite, acrylic, ink, and colored pencil to create this work.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

At the home of Thomas Hart Benton

This was my second trip to the home of Thomas Hart Benton. The photo above is a vintage figurine that is in his wife's bedroom. If you are in the Kansas City area or are planning to be, it's a must see. You can learn all about his life and see many original paintings and drawings through out his home. The carriage house was his studio which is where he died in 1975. The parks department left his studio just as he left it. For more info: click here.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Red Geraniums survive Winter

I took this photo of the Red Geraniums in my sunroom. I love to winter all my annuals, they give a much needed burst of color and happiness through the dreary cold days. These Geraniums are on their 2nd Winter and have grown rather large. I shot them in front of the window after the first snowfall, hence the beautiful white background. Okay... so that is the one thing Winter has going for it, all of that beautiful pure white color. Other than that, I'm not a fan of the season. Hurry up Spring!